Over Christmas break I ate a piece of bacon and joking said to Clay's mom "the last time I ate bacon I was pregnant". Turns out I was right, I'm pregnant again. I had my first of many doctors appointments yesterday where they confirmed that I am pregnant. My due date will be Sept 22. I will have an ultrasound Feb 1st, which is in two weeks, to rule out twins due to my family history.
I was nervous about telling Clay, so I took him out to dinner first then I told him. He thought I was joking. But after the shock past he was over the moon with excitement. One of his first questions was what was I wanting to paint. Does my husband know me or what? We also told Liam there's is a baby in Mommy's tummy and he pointed and said baby and was really excited. I think he was confused though because then he turned to Clay saying daddy baby. Now that he knows Daddy doesn't have a baby, he keeps kissing my belly, giving it knuckle bumps, and tells the baby night night before he goes to bed. He'll be a great big brother.