
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Still a Work in Progress

So here is what I have so far for Liam's new room. I have finished his curtains, blanket, a throw pillow, and standard shams for the guest bed. I added more throw pillows and wall art. I hate how digital cameras distort colors. These pics make the green in thge bedding look very yellowy. It's more of a moss color. The room still needs to be painted. Above the chair rail it's going to be chocolate and below I would love to do a chevron pattern or varying sizes (but since Clay won't let me paint, it will prob be stripes instead). On one wall I would like to use blackboard paint. I kept post more when more of the room comes together.

Monday, May 16, 2011


We got up and left the house super early this morning, because we had tickets to the shuttle launch. We were at Kennedy Space Center by 5:40am. For those that don't know, the roads close 2hrs prior to the launch. Today's was scheduled for 8:50am so that meant we had to be there no later than 6:50.

Liam was so excited to see the spaceship. He kept saying "spaceship. yeah. spaceship". I started to get really nervous about an hour before as the clouds started to roll in and they sent the weather plane up to look at the scenario. But we were go for launch. Here is our video of the shuttle for the 8 sec before it disappears behind the clouds.
The best part about having the tickets to KSC was that after the shuttle went off, we got to spend the day there and not sit in traffic for 3hrs. Liam loved the rockets. Here's Liam and Daddy in the Rocket Garden looking up.

Mommy and Liam in the Rocket Garden.

Little man was so tired he didn't even make it out of the parking lot. Here he is with his new bear.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Sexy New Door

We wanted to put a door going into the laundry room since we moved in. Plus, with a door there I don't have to look at the trash, laundry, or Clay's pile, aka his desk. I told Clay I was going to start yesterday. He thought I would get the framing done, not the door, trim, and hardware. Never under estimate a motivated

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


All day Liam kept handing me the box for his new pool, saying 'raffes, 'raffes. So while he was asleep I blew it up. It took me his whole nap and I do mean his whole nap. I guess pregnant ladies don't have a lot of extra air. I had to take a lot of breaks because I was getting so lightheaded. He loved the new pool.....that was until I turned on the fountain feature. He took off running so fast to the house screaming. After lots of convincing he reluctantly got back in.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Couple days late but here's my 5mth belly shot. Can't believe we are past half way there. It's going by much faster this time around.

Liam's Bike

We went home this weekend for Shannon's Graduation from USF, Mother's Day, and Liam's Birthday. What a packed, fun filled weekend. Liam's bike arrived in the mail on Wednesday and I left it in the box for easier packing, which meant Clay had to assemble it on Saturday.

Here's Liam blowing out the candle. I think the cake was his favorite part.
Or maybe it was the bell.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Liam's Curtains

Since I am reusing the bedding for the nursery that means I have to work on Liam's room. It's the only room of the house I haven't done anything to. Liam is still in his toddler bed, which I don't plan on changing any time soon. I've decided to make him a new quilt because all the toddler bedding is really babyish. I want something he can grow into. That being said I used some of the fabric from the quilt, added a table runner as some trim, and attached it to panels. Here is the first set. I still have one set to go and start the quilt of course. So excited to have a design project.


Clay came with me to the ultrasound yesterday. Here's Daddy and Liam playing in the waiting room.

After my appt, I took Liam to the park to see the ducks. He loves chasing them. Well yesterday he chased them to the edge of the pond. Liam was just standing at the edge and then suddenly fell head first into the pond. Not the water, the muck. It was definitely an interesting day.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Side by Sides

Baby Duo........Liam

It's a......

....healthy baby weighing 11oz.
My OB checkup was really short. Dr. Zylman was on call and was called during my appt. She said the baby looks great. Also this time around I do not have a low lying placenta. Yeah!! I'm measuring right at 20wks and my bp is good. I've also started to gain weight. I was 164lbs, thanks to spending 2weeks in Ireland (ummmmm Irish butter). Next appt is the 1st. More ultrasound pics

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

2yr Checkup

Today was Liam 2yr checkup. He now is at 11% (18.5in) for his head! That is the highest it's been since he was born. As for his height he is down to the 90th (36in...I think), but Dr. Mas thinks he will be going through a growth spurt soon. His weight is about the same at 45%. Now getting these measurements were a nightmare. I had to carry him on the scale and pin him down for his height and his head. Liam has also meet all his milestones except one which is removing his own clothes, but I'm kinda glad he doesn't mess with them.

He was so funny when she wanted to look at his teeth. At first he was upset, but when I told him she had a flashlight to look at his teeth and he needed to open his mouth, then it was the coolest thing ever. He kept opening his mouth saying aah. The best part of the whole appt was there was no shots. Yeah! Liam can also now drink 1% milk like mommy and daddy, as well as eat whatever he wants. That's if he eats.

We also talked for 30min about Liam eating habits. I told her my concerns and frustrations with Liam the last couple of months. I've cut his milk intake from 4-6 cups of milk of 9oz to 3-4 cups of 6oz. Which has helped a little bit, but not as much as I would like. Liam doesn't like to eat the same thing more than two days in a row which Dr. Mas thought was strange since most kids get stuck on one food for weeks. She seems to think that he would rather drink his food than eat it, that eating forces him to sit still, which he is not willing do to. She suggests that I keep making him smoothies so that he'll continue to get his fruits and veggies. Also she suggested that I give him healthy snacks throughout the day. If he wont sit for a meal give him 5-6 mini meals that he could quickly eat and won't interfere with playing. Another idea was to put away the high chair and let him either sit at the table or at a kids table. The kids table would give him the sense of freedom and maybe he would not feel retrained, that by being able to get up, he may get up and come back and eat more. Here's hoping.

Monday, May 2, 2011

He's Two!

My son is now two, and I am really having a hard time with this. I'm going to blame it on the pregnancy hormones though. Today I took Liam to the beach for a little while and afterwards we went and got smoothies. All in all it was a great day even though we didn't have cake and presents. This weekend however, we are going home since Shannon graduates from college and plan on having cake and presents then.