I thought this was the cutest thing ever. Liam was pushing Brennan around in the car on the porch. They were playing so nicely together.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Thank You Aunt Norm
Every couple of months or so, Clay's Aunt Norm mails a box full of goodies to the house. Another box arrived yesterday and we opened with Liam this morning. Liam gets so excited, even over the clothes. Here is a small video of Liam reading one of the books he got.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Stomach Bug
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Wink-aka One Eye, One Eye
This one is for my mom. It reminds me of Jimmy learning to wink. Then Liam goes crazy at the end. Not sure what he is doing.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Oops. Kinda Behind
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
2mth Checkup
Apparently Brennan had a huge growth spurt. He is now 24.5inches (95th), which is more than 2in more since his last appointment. My little piggy is also 12lbs 12oz (85th). Of course, Brennan also has a little head like his brother which was under the 20th percentile. Dr. Altenburg says that his torticollis looks better and that Brennan probably won't need physical therapy. However, I have been so concerned getting his head to turn to the left, that the right is starting to get stiff. She also heard a slight heart mummer when listening to his heart. We decided to keep Brennan on the meds for his acid reflux since he is doing well and his is now completely on formula since he had a hard time with breast milk. Then the not so fun stuff. Brennan got two shots and one oral. Poor boy has been crabby all day.
A side note: She loved Brennan's cloth diapers and now wants some for her son.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
...and We're Moving
Brennan is a rocking and a rolling. Brennan has flipped two or three times since this was filmed about a week ago. And true to McCormick form, his tongue is sticking out.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Brennan's Baptism
5th Annual Camping Trip
Every November we go camping with friends and family at Little Manatee River State Park. The weather could not have been any nicer this year. Once again we had a blast and can't wait til next year. Hopefully Liam and I won't be sick next time around. This is Liam helping Daddy put up our tent.
Climbing trees with Papa.
Poor sickKayaking with Mommy (if you look closely, Liam is in my lap).
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Pumpkin Patch
Friday, October 28, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
5wk Checkup
Brennan has had some issues with keeping food down and as well as laying down for naps (key word down). I cut out dairy to see if it would help thinking it gas, but it really didn't make much of a difference. We even put a towel at one end of the crib to elevate one side higher than the other. That didn't work either; we found Brennan upside down after his nap. He wants to eat every two hours or less, vomits, chokes and gags after eating, gasps for air, and screams when you lay him flat. Turns out his has acid reflux. Poor boy. He now has meds that I can give him twice a day to help and it should get better soon. (PS he's sleeping)
He also favors his right side for naps and well everything else. Doctor Mas said he has started to develop what's know as torticollis. I need to do some exercises with him at home to see if we can prevent it from processing all together as well as avoid him getting a flat head. If it doesn't get better, we'll have to take Brennan to a physical therapist. Worse case scenario, he'll have to were a helmet, which let's face it, he'll never live that down in this family.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Fixing the Car?
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Lake Front Property
We had over 24hrs of monsoon force rain and wind this weekend. When the weather had a small break, we let Liam and Jager outside to burn off some steam. I mean how often can they play in the rain and there not be lighting.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Things I've Missed
Going to be a Long Weekend
Clay and I decided to start sleep training this weekend. Brennan will be 4 weeks old on Monday (crazy, where did the time go) and we feel that it's time to start. I can't hold Brennan all day, everyday and try to watch/manage a toddler. As much as it kills me to listen to Brennan scream himself to sleep, I know in the long run it will make him a better sleeper. We plan on tackling his naps first, then bedtime. Here's hoping he catches on quicker than Liam did.