
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Baby Duo

This morning I had my ultrasound to rule out the possible of twins/verify how far long I am. Clay and I were both relieved and bummed that we are not having twins. The tech said that there could still be identical twins, since they like to hide behind one another, but she didn't seem to think there was. You know what's going to happen is, we are going to try for baby number three and end up with twin girls.

Liam didn't like being at the doctors. He thought that the tech was trying to hurt me. Clay took him out of the stroller and showed him the baby on the tv and then he was fine. Liam also didn't like it at my last OB appointment when the nurse took my blood pressure. He'll just have to get over it. The baby looks good for being 6.5wks. The tech was able to find the heartbeat which is always good. Next appt isn't until the beginning of March.

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