
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Weekly Update

 Since Clay has started feeling better, we have been back to kayaking more as a family. We have gone every weekend in January so far, plus a couple of extra days thrown in between.  Here Brennan is sporting his wind blown look after one of our trips.
Liam got a chef hat and apron for Christmas from one of his cousins.  He has gotten really into baking which is making it that much harder for me to lose weight.
 Brennan saw the Pediatric Ophthalmologist this month to recheck his eyes. They look great and he is definitively growing out of his false cross. He'll have to get them check one more time before preschool though to see if he'll need glasses for his nearsightedness  As a treat for being so good, the boys had ice cream for dinner.
 Liam also got a light saber from Uncle Jimmy, which he loves (to hit Brennan). And yes, that is Star Wars on in the background.

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