
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

5mth Checkup & Ultra-sound

Today was my 2owk ultra-sound which was really cool because Baby Gil well looks like a baby instead of a peanut. The tech showed us the brain, heart, kidneys, and the spine. As well as the arms, legs, head, lips, and face. She had a very hard time with figuring out the sex of the baby since Baby Gil would not stop moving. She tried three separate times while Clay and I kept our eyes shut since we didn't want to know. Also Baby Gil's head sits very low and she had a hard time getting a shot of his head. She even was pushing down and moving my belly around to get his head out from under my pelvic bone. The tech had to switch to an internal ultra-sound exam and she still couldn't get a very clear shot. I guess Baby Gil is stubborn like his mom. Our favorite shots were of the baby opening his mouth real wide to swallow amniotic fluid and the other of him sucking on his thumb. It was so weird to see and feel the baby to move at the same time.

When the tech was done with baby shots she let us know that I have a low lying placenta and not to worry yet and that the doctor will explain to us what that means. Basically its still to early to know if it will be a problem with delivery and that I have to make sure that I don't do any strenuous exercise or I could start to bleed. If you want some more info on placenta previa click here. Other than that everything seems to look good from the ultra-sound such as size of the baby and my fluids. Clay even asked the doctor this time if he could get a copy of the heart beat and he did. He recorded it on his mp3 player. We are going to get it on the blog shortly for anyone who would like to hear. You can hear me laugh at the end of the clip because Clay was dancing to the heartbeat in the doctors office. Also I'm posting the other ultra-sound pics on my flickr account, which is

The set is called baby. The link is also in My Links section on the right of the blog.

This is the heart beat. Blogger will ask when you open this page now if you would like to allow a function. That is so you can hear the heartbeat. You would need to click yes or allow.


Jayme Steinbach said...


I think it is girl. The heart beat sounds fast, the faster the heartbeat, the more likely it is a girl. Did they tell you the bpm?

Unknown said...

No, because they knew we didn't want to know the sex and that we could figure it out by the heatbeat.