
Thursday, December 11, 2008


As you all can tell, I have moved to fat pants. I no longer fit into anything I own. I'm still under weight at this point but not as drastic as the last 2mths. I guess Thanksgiving helped a lot with that. The fatigue has subsided as well as the dizziness, however now my back is killing me and I get heartburn after almost every meal. Now that's a weird feeling. I didn't even know what it was at first since I never have had it before. As for cravings I still eat guac 2-3 times a week and fudgey brownies with blue bell ice cream, roasted peanuts, and caramel or homemade toll house chocolate chip cookies with walnuts. I try to not have a brownie every night since that much sugar isn't good for the baby, were as for the cookies I freeze the dough so I can make two at a time and not over do it. But boy do I miss my coke. Its so hard to go to a restaurant and have to get water. I do have a coke every now and then, but it just makes me want it even more.

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