
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Just Another Saturday

Yesterday we had a very busy day. We started it off by taking Jager to the vet. He has a double ear infection as well as a double eye infection. The vet seems to think its allergy related, since the pollen has been really bad here lately. Plus last year at this time he also had similar issues. After the vet, I was starving so I mentioned that breakfast sound good to Clay and off to Cracker Barrel we went. Liam loves going and playing with the peg game, having a pancake and some juice. It's the one restaurant that we don't have to worry about him throwing a fit.

After Liam nap, we had a birthday party for Ben to go to. He had a bounce house, snow cone machine, and a petting zoo. Let's just say, Liam was in heaven. Between the cake, cookies, juice, and snow cones, he was in over drive. His favorite part was by far the pony he got to ride twice since the other kids were afraid. Oh! PS, the other half of the closet shelving came crashing down today. This time on top of me and Liam.

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