
Sunday, April 4, 2010


Liam is now 11mths. At the end of last week he started to let go and would stand by himself, sometimes he would even clap because he was so excited and proud of himself. So this weekend we were shocked that he took his first steps, which was great since both sets of grandparents were there.
Liam is also a big copy cat. Grandma McCormick and Aunt Shannon are teaching him all kinda of new tricks. He also loves to give big open mouth kisses. Liam's favorite word right now is hi, but he can also say Dadda, Mamma, bye, done, daw (dog), baba (bottle) and pa-tee (pretty). Liam won't touch something if you tell him not to, but he will throw a fit.
He is a huge breakfast eater and then he snacks the rest of the day. His favorites are blueberries, bananas, avocado, cheese, and pizza. If he has the choice between juice and water he will almost always choose the water. When he feels its time for a snack he will crawl over to the diaper bag and pull out any goodies I might have packed for later. He is so much fun, and I'm loving every minute of it. I just wish it could go by slower.

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