
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Teeth Trouble

The past week has been really rough. Liam is cutting his two year old molars and is driving me crazy. He is miserable and inconsolable. When he cuts teeth, he also get diarrhea. The other day he had eight blow out diapers which resulted in seven pairs of shorts for the day. I had to buy some disposal diapers this week since I just can't keep up with washing my cloth ones. Liam's poor bum is so rubbed raw that he immediately starts crying when he goes to the bathroom. The poor guy hasn't eat in four days, and wants nothing but milk. The funny part of the whole situation is that when Liam's tooth/gums hurt, he always complains about his foot hurting him. He has done this since he turned one. I don't get the connection, but he is consistent. Thank goodness for chocolate, caffeine, and Mickey Mouse.

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