
Friday, March 6, 2009

32 week checkup

Today was my 32 week check-up. My weight was good as well as my blood pressure. Dr. Wolk said to keep doing whatever I've been doing. Also according to the ultra-sound last week everything looks great with the baby as well. I asked him about the severe headaches I've been getting at night. Since my bp is excellent and I don't have massive swelling, he felt that its not a headache due to blood pressure and more likely sinuses and that I shouldn't worry. We also talked about about my backaches as well. He seemed a little bit concerned when I told him its in the middle of my back and not my lower back. He checked my kidneys and double checked my urine sample, but nothing was out of the ordinary. He thinks that its muscle fatigue, but if there is any changes I need to call right away since kidney infections are common in pregnant woman. He also said that I'm not allowed to travel any more due to the amount of Braxton-Hicks contractions I've been having per day since they can lead to real contractions if I have to many in a row.


Anonymous said...

All sounds good! We'll pray for your headaches and backaches.
Grandma Gilmore

Anonymous said...

Kelly it was great talking to you the other night- it is amazing that the baby will be here soon!