
Monday, March 30, 2009

Oh what a day

Yesterday had to be one of the most exciting days we have had in a long time. But, not exciting in a good way. We started our day with church and as we were leaving the parking lot a gentlemen got into the incoming traffic lane and made a left hand turn straight into our car. His SUV never even saw us. Luckily no one was hurt...except our Toyota. The guy was a real jerk about the whole situation. He never asked if I was ok or anyone else. He was in such a hurry to get out of there since his car was fine and didn't even give us all his information.

Because of the accident, I called the Dr's office today to find out if I needed to come in even though I felt fine. They asked me a bunch of questions such as did I hit my stomach, did the air bags deploy, how fast where we going, is the baby still moving around, etc. Basically if the baby continues to move 10 times in an hour I'm fine and they will see me Friday. If the baby speeds up and seems panicky or slows way down I need to rush over to Labor & Delivery.

After coming home from church, our neighbor down the street house caught on fire. There was at least three fire trucks, two ambulances, and a gaggle of people. They closed our street and opened up several fire hydrates to contain the fire before the wind started spreading it to the other homes. Jager was flipping out watching everyone freak out as the firemen rushed up and down our street. So we put him on the runner in the front yard and he was fine, well now that he could see everything that was going on. Apparently the fire was a grease fire and they tried to put it out with water which is the worst thing they could have done.
Oh what a day. Hopefully we don't have another like that for a while.

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