
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Vroom Vroom

Liam has a new noise this week. We were reading his color book and there's a red car on one of the pages. I told him all week that cars go vroom vroom. So this morning that's what he was doing.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Little Helper

This morning I had washed Liam cloth diapers. So before his nap he "helped" me hang them on the line. I think he was just fascinated with the cloths pins.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Too Close for Comfort

So the other day I put Liam in his exersaucer. I didn't realize how close it was to the tree. It now has been moved.

No ornaments where harmed in the making of this film.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Today Liam turned 7mths. No big changes since last month except for him "talking" more. He says mama, dadda, blah blah blah, and what sounds like hi. He also has started to wave bye-bye. Liam loves his Cheerios and bouncing while your holding him. He still isn't crawling, which is good for mommy but it frustrates Liam to no end. Especially since three of his friends can crawl. Poor guys gets left in the dust. Liam also now has both of his bottom teeth.
We have also started cloth diapers this week. So far, so good. I've had less leaks at nap time and bedtime then with Huggies. I love that I didn't have to run out and buy diapers this week, but I don't know if I'm completely sold on the cloth diaper idea. I guess it will take some getting used to. Plus look at the big ol' butt.

Thanksgiving Highlights

Liam's 1st Thanksgiving.

Boys and their toys.

New winter clothes.

Playing with Grandpa.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Car Seats and Dogs

On Sunday, we removed Liam infant car seat from Clay's car and replaced it with Liam's other car seat. Can't believe he has almost out grown it already. We decided to make the switch because of our up coming trip to Bradenton. In the past, the infant car seat sat in the middle, leaving no room for Jager. So the last couple of trips he sat in the front seat, which still isn't enough room for him but it's doable. Now the toddler car seat sits off to one side, leaving more room for the dog. Here is a photo of Liam watching us as we were changing them out.

Friday, November 20, 2009


The day after Liam had his Dr. appt. he was miserable. Partly due to having three shots and partly because his first tooth was coming in. I tried all day to make him happy/comfortable. Finally, after all day trying, this is what worked. I had him in stitches for over 20 minutes.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cloth Diapers

Since I'm no longer breastfeeding our babies expenses have increased greatly. In an effect to cut out costs we are trying cloth diapers. Three of my friends in Melbourne are using cloth diapers and swear by them. So last night I ordered some online. I got a set of Econobum to start out with to see if I would even like them. I was torn between two different sets. However, Econobums are the lest expensive set of cloth diapers out there with the most for your money. The great thing is if I don't like them I have a 30 day guarantee; I can return them or exchange for a different set. I figured I'd get the cheap set to figure out which features I like and dislike and go from there. We'll see how this all works out. More info on cloth diapers at cotton babies.

Monday, November 16, 2009

6mth checkup

Liam had his 6mth checkup today. He now is 17lbs which puts him in the 45% for his weight. However, his length of 27.5 puts him in the 90%. Finally his head was 16.5 which is the 25% for a 6.5mth old. He also meet all his milestones which include sitting up without support, mamas or daddas,as well as babbling, moving an object from one hand to the next, and laughing at peek-a-boo. He is also ahead of the curve with his pincher reflex. Dr. Lockhart said I can give him Cheerios or Gerber Puffs to practice.

Now that Liam is older we can add juice to his diet. Dr Lockhart says no more than 2x a week and she likes pear or grape juice for infants. I don't plan on giving him juice or if I do it will be very watered down. I've been putting water in his sippy cup. His doctor loves that. She would much later have him drink water and milk vs juice. I also asked about our water filter. She said that the filter will not take out the fluoride in the tap water unless its a reverse osmosis filter. And speaking of fluoride, Dr Lockhart said his bottom tooth should break through by Friday.

Other things we talked about were lowering the crib since he can sit up, which I already did. As well as using only thin blankets or sac pjs for the winter mths, and changing car seats. He also received three shots. He got his DTaP, Hib, and his flu shot. He needs to go back for his flu booster and his H1N1 in a mth. I think thats everything.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ma Ma Ma

Liam starts talking when he's tired or bored. Today he was tired. I tried to get him saying ma ma on video but this is what I got.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sitting Up

As of yesterday Liam can sit only his own. He sat in the storm door watching Jager outside for 30 minutes with out any help, well if you're not counting the fact that I placed him on his butt. He still isn't crawling but he can scoot around pretty well and rolls to where he wants to go. Like on Friday he rolled to the curtains and was playing peek-a-boo with them while Clay and I were eating dinner at the table. On Sunday, while Clay and I were shopping, Liam started saying ma ma ma in the store. It was so cute. He just kept doing it over and over. We stood in the aisle blocking everyone because we were so excited. However that night he fell over and bumped his head and looked up at me with giant crocodile tears in his eyes crying ma ma ma, it just broke my heart.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Liam turned six months today. I can't believe it. He's schedule has remained mostly the same; sleeping 13hrs and he has continued to take 3 naps. For his meals, Liam is no longer in a reclining position to eat, he will sit up in the highchair. We have also introduced the sippy cup. Liam thinks its a toy. He would rather play with it than drink out of it. Occasionally he will take in a couple of sips. It's only milk, I'm staying away from juice for awhile.

Since last month, I have introduced fruits. Liam loves avocado (no surprise there) and pears, but isn't really big on apples. As for veggies, he loves sweet potatoes. When Liam first started solids, I used jar baby food to see the thickness and texture. However, now I make all his food. It's super easy and so much cheaper than buying it. Plus I know everything that's in it.

Liam is getting so close to crawling. I love watching him try to figure it out. He does however roll across the room. I'll put him down in one spot and he will quickly start rolling across to the other side, usually to Jager. Speaking of Jager, Liam has figured out that if he makes that high pitch helium balloon noise that Jager will come running to him to see if he's ok. So now when Liam can't see the dog he will "call" for him. What will he come up with next?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

Last night we took Liam out for his first Halloween. Liam went as a Lobster and we put him in one of Clay's pots. We carried him to a couple of our nieghbors just to show him off. He did so well sitting in the pot, even though it was way past bedtime. He was way to cute. I'm already tring to figure out what he might go as new year.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy

Today is Clay birthday, so Liam and I made him a card this morning after he left for work. For his Birthday Dinner we went to Salsa's, which is one of our favorites. We went last night so that the FIT guys could take him out tonight. What a surprise; they are going to the Broken Barrel.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New Noise

Liam has a new noise. It kinda sounds like you're letting helium out of a balloon. It has been driving Jager crazy all morning, I think he thinks Liam is hurt or upset.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Halloween Party

Last night was our 2nd annual Halloween Party. This years winner for Best Costume and the $25 gift card to Carrabba's was Seth Gilmore as the Godfather. For those that don't know, Seth is also Liam's actual Godfather. The winner and only contestant for Best Kids Costume was Liam as a lobster. Finally, Best Carved Pumpkin winner went to me of course. Thanks for coming guys, we had a great time. Can't wait until next year.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Good Morning

Liam is always so cute in the morning when I go in and wake him up. So today I thought I would film it for Clay.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

West Palm Beach

Liam and I drove down to West Palm today to see Angie who was visiting from Mass. We took Liam to the beach for part of the day. I was so worried about making sure Liam had enough sunscreen that I forgot to reapply my own. Needless to say I'm a little bit burnt.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sippy Cup

Today we tried the sippy cup for the first time. Liam thought it was more of a toy then anything else. I don't think he got anything out of it. But he liked playing with it.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Rock'n and a Roll'n

Today Liam and I went over to Kayla's house. While we were there Liam finally figured out how to roll from his stomach back onto his belly. He's done it a couple of times but he had no idea of what just happened and would get scared. This time he did it on purpose and he just kept on rolling over and over until he would run out of blanket.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I took Liam to my dentist appt this morning. I needed x-rays and a check-up, since I haven't been since before Clay and I got married (3yrs). Needless to say, I was nervous, but I had no cavities. Tomorrow I go back for my cleaning. I decided that it was better to break up the appts with me flying solo with Liam (he does better with shorter trips) and this way it wouldn't effect his nap. The ladies at the office were such a big help with him today. I don't think they get many babies in there.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Photos for Daddy

I told Clay I would post a new photo of Liam for every day he is gone in Iowa. So here's todays pic. Believe me, he lived up to his shirt today, don't let that smile fool you.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Long Distance Call

Jimmy called me today. Well actually he called yesterday and I didn't answer it since I didn't recognized the number, so he called back today. For those that don't know, Jimmy is the oldest of my younger brothers. He is currently stationed in Iraq for the next 18mths. He's doing good, but he sounds really homesick. My 1st letter hasn't gotten there yet, but he said that there have been some really bad dust storms. I guess some church in GA sent him a care package and it had girl scout cookies in it. He was really excited about that. You all know how Jimmy is about food. I'm glad I finally got to talk to him.

Friday, October 2, 2009


I can not believe that Liam is 5mths today. He now sleeps....... wait for it...... 13hrs at night. We start our day at 8:30am and he's in bed by 7:30pm. Liam is definitely not a morning person. He is super crabby when he first gets up. He prefers to sleep on his stomach which is something new that he has started this week. He is still taking three naps. Usually the 1st is 55min, followed by 2 1/2hrs, and 45min.

As for food, Liam now eats two large meals a day in addition to 5 feedings. He gets rice cereal in the morning after his first nap and at night he get rice cereal with a veggie followed by his bath. So far his favorite is peas. He will eat an entire jar. He doesn't even leave any on his face, he licks it all off. He also has become really whiney, mostly beecause he can't crawl yet he gets bored very easily and wants to be pick up and moved around. He's the happiest in the Johnie Jumper, so I save it until the afternoons when he's the crabbiest. He still hates being on on his stomach, unless Jager is close by. Then he tries really hard to "pet" Jager. Liam loves giving Jager a cookie, and let's face it Jager loves it too.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Back to Iowa

Clay told me last night that they are switching him from his current team back to his old team at Rockwell Collins. In doing so, Clay will have to go to Cedar Rapids, Iowa for a week. Now I'll really won't see him. At least this time I'm not pregnant. They did say however, that they would give him a day off. I'll believe it when I see it.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

First Hair Cut

Liam's hair has gotten so long, so today I gave him his first hair cut. I took off at least two inches off the top and he still has an inch left. I still can't believe how red his hair is turning. I guess if you have an Irish name like Liam then its bound to happen.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Runny Noses

Liam and I have had the flu all week. Clay stayed home on Monday to take care of Liam since I was running a high fever. Thankfully we are both getting better. We have now entered the runny noses and coughing stage. Liam has been so cute, after I blow my nose he wants me to help him with his. He can't obviously blow his own nose yet, but I hold the tissue to his nose and he shakes his head and laughs. Boys are so silly.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Liam tried carrots for the first time yesterday. I was cracking up. At first he liked them and then, well you'll see. Blogger was having trouble uploading this video, so it's linked to my Flickr Account.
Carrots Video

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

4mth checkup

Today was Liam's 4mth checkup. I went to the office to find out that they had moved since his last visit. So I quickly called Clay and he gave me the new directions to the doctors office. Apparently I'm the second mom that didn't receive a notice about the move. Needless to say, I was late. As for his appt., Liam is now 26in and 14.5 lbs. He is in the 88% for length and 40% for his weight. Basically, he will always be long and skinny like his daddy.
Liam can now start cereals as well as fruits and veggies, one new food per week. She said do two meals a day, a cereal with a fruit or veggie, since he's such a healthy eater. She would like all veggies first since fruits are sweeter and easier to get babies to eat. She gave me a handout for when to start what, such as meats or food with iron. Also if the rice makes him gassy or stops him up to give him 1oz of prune juice with 1oz of water. I told her I wanted to make my own veggies and fruits. So she told be to use the frozen since there's less sodium and that I should mix in some formula to thin it out some.
As for his's because he's a boy. She said he's just getting mad. Liam wants to get up and go but his body can't yet, so he's getting bored and frustrated. After he starts crawling he should be his normal content self again. He is also starting to cut his bottom two teeth. Dr Lockhart says it could be a week or several weeks it just depends. And then there was two shots and one oral vaccine. I think that's everything.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Almost Ovah

So yesterday was our last full day in Boston. We had a late start that morning, but we all needed it. For lunch, we went to Quincy Market were Clay got a lobstah roll (sub with lobster) and I got real pizza. Not that junk they call pizza in Florida. Afterwards we headed towards Boston Common. On our way we stopped at the grave yard where Ben Franklin, Paul Revere, and Mother Goose are buried. When we got to Boston Common, I got some fried dough, which the also don't have in Florida (they have elephant ears and funnel cake, which aren't the same), found a nice spot to sit down and laid out a blanket for Liam. It was nice to know that we didn't have to worry about the sun, bugs, or ants. We could just sit and relax. Liam and Clay took a nice little nap in the park. It was such a relaxing day.

As for dinner, the Astuccio's came up. I had made tacos, fresh salsa, and refried beans. Later, Angie's neighbors burnt something in their apartment so all the fire alarms went off as I was trying to put Liam down to bed. So we waited outside until the firemen said we could go back in. I don't know what they did next door, but when we came inside the police were checking their IDs. I still can't believe our week is over. It went by so fast, but I'm glad we got to come. We had a great time at my cousin's wedding, as well as visiting with our friends.

Monday, September 7, 2009

1st Foods

After last night, we have decided to start putting Liam on rice cereal. He woke up at 3:30, 5:10, 6:25, and 7:20. It has been like that for almost a week now. He was sleeping for 11-12hrs, but now he's been going backwards. His pediatrician did said at his last appt (2mth) that we would start putting him on solids at his next appt (4mth). Originally, it was scheduled for the 2nd and we had it changed. Mom and Dad are out in Hawaii to be with Jimmy for his deployment, so I have Mitchell. Since Liam was already supposed to have had his appt, this afternoon we bought some rice cereal. I feed him first, then I mixed 1oz of pumped milk with only a 1/4 tsp of rice cereal. I would say only half of what went in stayed in. He seemed to like the rice cereal, just not the texture of the spoon. He probably ate only a quarter of what I made, but it's a start.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sam Adams Brewery

This morning Devon, Jess, Jay B, Clay, Liam, and I hopped on the T and went to the Samuel Adams Brewery. The tour was free which is always a plus in my book. But the best part though is its a free tour with free beer. You each get your own sampling glass and they place a pitcher of beer in front of you. There was five different types for us to try. Afterwards we all went to a local pub for lunch. As for tonight Mimi plans on watching Laim so that we can all go out tonight, since Angie had to work earlier today.

Friday, September 4, 2009


Today we are taking Liam on the T to New England Aquarmine. It was one of my favorite things as a kid and I wanted to take him. Plus we all know I really just want to see the penguins. Afterwards, Angie's work has rented out a bowling alley, so we are going to go...and its free. We figured if it was lame we would leave. As for dinner, I think the plan is to hit up the North End. Man, it's good to be home.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tour of Boston?

So as you all may know, we left yesterday to Boston. We came up for my cousins wedding which is this Sunday. But until then we are staying at Angie's and Devon's apartment, which is on Boston Harbour. They had invited us to stay so we could spend a week in Boston without paying for a hotel. She has also let us have her car while we are here so we don't even have to pay for a rental car. Awesome!
Yesterday was also our third wedding anniversary. I can't believe that its been three years already. We decided to grilled out on Boston Harbour at sunset. It was so pretty. However our wonderful day changed quickly while walking home. Liam's car seat fell off the stroller and he smacked his head on the sidewalk. Unfortunately, due to the "bag" pjs we was wearing he wasn't strapped into the car seat, so there was no way to figure out how much force he hit the sidewalk with. We called the pediatrician and they told us we needed to take him to the ER, since he was still very little and that even though he seems fine, he very easily may not be. We were there from 9:30 until 3:30am cause with head injuries the 1st six hours are the most critical. They checked him for a broken collar bone, skull fractures, concussion, bleeding, swelling in the skull, neck on and so on. His CT scan show that he had evidence of a head trauma but no swelling or bleeding, and that he has very active brain. I needed to continue to monitor him for the next 24hrs. Needless to say, that's not how we wanted to spend our first day of our vacation or our anniversary. We are just so glad that he's ok.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Halloween Preview

Liam's Halloween Costume arrived this morning by Fed-Ex. So we had to try it on. It's a little big, but Oct is still a ways out there. Here's a sneak peek ....without giving anything away. What do you think he is? Wait and see to find out.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

One Cool Dude

This weekend has been very busy. On Friday Liam was running a slight fever of 99.4 and started pulling on his ear. Thinking it was an ear infection, we called the Doctors office. They didn't want to bring him in unless the fever gets worse or he started acting differently than normal. Right now they are seeing 12-16 cases a day of swine flu. Thankfully his fever is going away. We think he might be teething, especially since Clay had his first tooth when he was four mths old.

As for today, Grandma and Grandpa McCormick drove across the state so Grandpa could go surfing for a couple of hours, since Hurricane Bill is turning up some waves. While Grandpa went surfing, Grandma and I went shopping. I needed to find a dress I could wear to my cousin's wedding over Labor Day Weekend. It wasn't easy. One, I'm picky and Two, I had to find something that didn't make me look fat, even though I'm still carrying a lot of baby weight. As for Clay he's working, again.

The video above is when Mitchell put his sunglasses on Liam after his nap. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hottie Patrol

Shannon and I went to Party City to look at Halloween Costumes. I know that the kids costumes sell out so fast that you need to go early. Where as adults usually go the night before. Shannon found a cute police hat that she put on Liam. It was so funny. As for the costumes, they were still putting them out, so I'll go back soon.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Jager's Bone

It's mine and I'm not sharing.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Liam turned three months yesterday. I can't believe how fast it has gone. He now can smile, laugh, and giggle. He loves playing with his toys and his feet, as well as eating his hands. If his hands aren't in his mouth, he'll "talk" up a storm. When Liam is on the floor he rolls from side to side looking for Daddy and Jager. He can roll over but chooses not to since he hates being on his stomach. Liam hates sitting still and I'm afraid he'll be crawling in no time. I guess I need to start baby proofing now.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Littlest McCormick

This past weekend, we went to Georgia for a family reunion. Liam did so good on the 9hr drive up there. He only started to cry the very last 20 minutes of the trip, and by then we were all done. Even though it was my family having the reunion, we stayed with Clay's Aunt Dee who had a turkey dinner waiting for us when we got there. We had such a great time seeing everyone and showing Liam off. We just wished we could have stayed longer.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

ATM Fraud

Today started out as a good day, but by noon it was a nightmare. I had received a phone call from Bank of America that there was unusual active on my atm card. But the call was from an automated caller and they wanted to verify my social. Since there was no way to verify that it was truly BOA, Clay and I hurried off to the bank. It turns out there was a lot of active on the card. Here's the strange part, it was in Brazil. Not only that, they had a hard copy of my atm card. The lady in the fraud department said she had never see anything like it. Usually when the info is taken it is used electronically over the internet. Needless to say my account was closed and I'll get a new card in 7-10 business days.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Liam and Penelope

Today Kayla and Penelope came over for lunch. While Kayla and I were eating tacos, the babies were playing on the floor. Well, Liam was playing, but Penelope was more interested in pulling Liam's hair. They were so cute together. It is so nice to have another mom to talk too, otherwise I'd might go insane.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Oh the Joys of Motherhood

Yesterday Liam and I went clothes shopping. Normally I love to buy new clothes but this trip was different. I'm in a weird in between size were my regular clothes don't fit and maternity are huge on me. I have tried to lose a little bit of weight but every time I try it effects my milk and Liam cries and cries because he isn't getting enough so I'll have to wait until he's on solids. Therefore I had to break down and buy some clothes that I can wear until then, cause there is nothing worse to me than people trying to fit into clothes that are 1-2 sizes to small for them. It just makes them look big and it's so tacky.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Oh Where Did My Hair Go

Poor Liam. He has hair on top and at the base of his head. The middle section is missing the whole way around.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Talking to Daddy

There's a video of Liam talking to daddy before he went and took his nap today. Also this morning Liam rolled over for the first time. He started on his tummy and flipped over to his side. He stayed there for about 5min and then rolled onto his back. He was all smiles and giggles since he hates being on his stomach. He is also getting very close to rolling over from his back onto his stomach.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July

Since today is the 4th of July, we thought it would be fun to take Liam to see the parade downtown. We went with friends from church that have a baby girl Liam's age. They both started to fall asleep as soon as the parade got close to us, that was until the sirens started. Tonight we plan on watching the fireworks from our roof like last year. There is 6-8 different displays we can see from there. And of course you can't celebrate America without blowing up a small part of it. We have over $65 in fireworks to do ourselves as well. God Bless America.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Holy Crap! Where has the time gone. I can't believe its been 2mths already. Liam has grown so much. His favorite thing is taking a bath. He thinks its funny to splash mommy and daddy and get us all wet. He also loves to play with his toys and "talking" to daddy before work. Liam doesn't like naps and is up most of the day, which makes long days for mommy. I don't know what I'll do when he's mobile.